Sunday, June 27, 2010

3D Object Shading

3D Object Shading

The first step for successful pencil shading is to control the movement of your pencil and amount of pressure to be used for your picture.

3d object means three different dimensions and describes an image which provides the perseption of depth. In shading the first thing to be kept in mind is the shade which is (light tone, medium tone and dark tone) and reflection of light. Shading altogether is the game of light.

As the light falls the shade is different and where the light cannot reach at all is the place where you find shadow of the object. Sometimes the shading is according to the brightness of the room or room color.It also differs from the quality of the texture.Most object also have an area of reflected light.This reflection happens when light hits the surface next to your object and bounces back.

The last thing to be done in shading is making shadow.When you make a shadow the shade touching the object should be dark and as you go far it becomes lighter.The dark tone is because of the object .

Keeping this things in mind you can easily get a good result.Hope this will help you.All the best.

For more detail knowledge about shading visit All About Arts blog .

All comments and suggestions are welcome.

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